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Word to XML Converter

Our Word to XML converter allows you to convert docx- and docm-files into a generic XML-format. You can download here a sample that contains all parts of a word document that can be converted. It contains the Word document and the converted XML-file.

Mainly you can convert the following elements of a Word document.

  • Header level 1-9 into nested sections

  • Tables into CALS and XHTML

  • Lists (3 levels)

  • Formulae to MathML

  • Links and Hyperlinks

  • Indexentries

  • Footnotes

  • Word comments

  • Inline formats (Word functions and inline formats)

The functionality of the converter can be expanded. We apologize that there is no test version but you can send us a sample file and we will convert it.

The conversion itself is based on a RoboTask skript and an XSLT 2.0 processor.